Leqture Speakers

Marjon van Opijnen
Time zone
Timezone: Amsterdam (CET)
Marjon van Opijnen
Marjon van Opijnen, lecturer, breath and trauma therapist, founded the Embodiment LAB to create a place where we can regain our relation with our embodied intelligence and to use this intelligence in (societal) change processes for the better. Marjon is fascinated by the ecosystem our body is and the important role of our breath in this ecosystem.
All Leqtures by this speaker
Breathe To Improve Your Mental Capacity
Is there a correct way of breathing? Many of us think there is and it is very likely that now we talk about our breath you start adjusting it to a deeper belly breathing. But what if there are many correct ways of breathing? Although we do it our entire life, we know very little about it. Which also implies that we are unfamiliar with how it affects the physical and mental processes in our body and how we feel. Our busy and fast way of living has also increased our speed and depth of breathing, with physical and mental consequences. In this interactive and practical Leqture you will learn how you can use your breath to improve your mental capacity, gain more energy and have more focus with simple exercises and a bit of knowledge.