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History of Slavery

Jennifer Tosch


Jennifer Tosch, is a cultural historian, activist, founder of Black Heritage Tours in Amsterdam (Netherlands), and New York State; co-author of 3 guide books on Dutch colonial history: Jennifer is also completing a dual-Masters degree at the University of Amsterdam in (Cultural) Heritage %26 (Historic) Memory. Jennifer was born in Brooklyn, New York to Surinamese parents who immigrated to the US in 1964. In 2013 she founded the Black Heritage Tour in Amsterdam and in 2017 the Black Heritage Tour in New York State. Moreover, Jennifer is one of the voices of the Dutch Black Lives Matter movement, and is a regular speaker at Black Lives Matter demonstrations.


  • Recording: Yes
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 45 min / 15 min


More about this speaker

History of Slavery

  • In this expert session, Jennifer Tosch delves into the intricacies of understanding the historical background and contemporary manifestations of exploitation, focusing on the emergence of modern-day slavery.  About 150 years ago, slavery was still fairly common in large parts of the Americas and Europe. She starts with addressing questions such as: How could such a cruel and absurd phenomenon become so widespread? Where did it happen? What did slavery look like? Was there no popular resistance? And could such a thing happen again? The second part of the session will focus on how the History of Slavery does not end with ‘legal abolition’. The system of slavery changed after the 19th century, and took on new forms of forced labor and exploitation. Jennifer will talk about the ‘future for the past’ that highlights the afterlife and legacy of slavery through ongoing activism, apologies, social justice, reparations and new research.

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