Leqture Speakers
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Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
Joriene Beks
Joriene Beks studied Business Administration and majored in Strategic Management. In the role of consultant/coach/interim, she has guided countless organizations in developing self-learning capabilities for almost 20 years. Joriene is the author of two bestsellers on psychological safety. She inspires, trains, and coaches on this topic, and encourages people to take action. Her mission is for all employees to experience being heard and seen and make a positive contribution to the bigger picture. Joriene became a finalist for the best learning company in the Netherlands in 2019.
All Leqtures by this speaker
How to Build an Open and Safe Learning/Working Environment
Have you ever experienced walking out of a meeting or closing it, thinking "Why didn’t I say this or ask that?” And then immediately rectified it in your head with: "The wrong moment" "They'll probably think I'm stupid" "It wouldn’t have added anything" and "Who am I to jeopardize a project's deadline?” For many, if not for everyone, a familiar situation. These occasions arise in a psychologically unsafe working environment. When psychological safety is present in a team, then everyone feels at home, opinions and mistakes are shared, everyone contributes to the bigger picture from day 1, the status quo is challenged and everyone feels responsible, included and part of a positive atmosphere. Learn all about psychological safety in this inspiring and insightful session.