Ada Lovelace: Ahead of Time

Ada Lovelace: Ahead of


Average length
60 min
Interactive tasks
15 min

Session Overview

Ada Lovelace created the world’s first complex computer program in 1843. At the time she wrote “ I would rather be great than be known as great”, and - like so many female innovators through the ages, history soon forgot her. In this interactive talk, Zoe Philpott tells us about the extraordinary life and work of Ada Lovelace. Then, traveling across time, she introduces the ENIAC programmers, Alan Turing, Grace Hopper and Mae Jamison. And asks us consider two possible futures: to accept a world where the prejudice is still hardwired. Or, into another future where great innovations are equitable, diverse and inclusive.

Your speaker

Zoe Philpott

Zoe Philpott is an interactive storyteller, entrepreneur, and the creator of Ada.Ada.Ada. Her work is at the intersection of experience design and STEM. Zoe combines technology with the arts to tell stories that engage diverse audiences. In collaboration with interdisciplinary teams, her work has won seven BETTs and one BIMA as well as a BAFTA nomination. She has four-metre-high robots dance for Ford, created a binaural immersive experience to shine a light on world poverty for the Nike Foundation, and, created a 50,000-LED interactive Christmas Tree installation at the White House for Google. She is now combining all her skills to update History with her story, starting with the story of Ada Lovelace.

Focusing on

  • STEM

  • Storyteller

  • Diversity & Inclusion

You can book Zoe Philpott at, for more information mail us at


Leqture Sessions always last exactly 60 minutes.

No. Actually, our philosophy is 'the more the merrier'! You can invite your entire workforce, their families, your clients, suppliers, and/or any other stakeholders. 

Your account manager will take care of all your questions and special requests. But you can also talk to one of our curators if you need guidance in picking the best sessions for your audience. 

90% of our sessions are recorded and the video edit will be shared after the session. The edit can be used on your intranet but cannot be distributed on the internet. We will of course always inform you if a speaker prefers not to be recorded.

Leqture is independent. We work with all the major meeting platforms like Teams, Zoom, Webex and Google Meet. Should your company want us to broadcast on yet another platform, please reach out to us and we will have a look at the possibilities!

YES! Definitely! The unique thing about Leqture is that our sessions are live. That's how we can truly facilitate interaction between employees. We use breakout rooms, whiteboards, chat, live polling, surveys and every other interaction feature.

Of course. You decide who is welcoming the speaker. Our host will introduce the speaker but that can just as well be done by your own people. We will prepare them in terms of tech and logistics. 

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