Jérôme Gijselaers
Dr. Jérôme Gijselaers has a master's degree in neuropsychology and a PhD in the field of biopsychology and educational sciences. He has conducted over 8 years of research on biological lifestyle factors. He is a certified coach and works at the Hotel Management School Maastricht as Leqturer Research Skills and Statistics and supervises graduate students. He enjoys mountain biking, swimming, running, and Crossfit and likes to spend time in nature.
- Recording: Yes
- Language: English, Dutch
- Duration: 45 min / 15 min
The Biology of Performance
It is important that your employees are fit, both physically and mentally. Fit employees have a positive effect on important KPIs. For example, they ensure lower absenteeism, higher productivity and lower error rates. Of course, we all know that lifestyle is important in order to be both physically and mentally fit. Yet it turns out that many people can still make considerable improvements to their lifestyle. Simple improvements that do not require too much effort and that contribute to better performance. In this session Jérôme will explain in an accessible way why lifestyle is so important and which simple actions we can immediately implement to improve our lifestyle and thus our performance. In this session, Jérôme therefore answers questions such as: How do you improve your sleep hygiene? How do you ensure sufficient physical activity? How do you maintain a varied eating pattern?